Monday, July 31st 2017

You’re a part of Something Bigger. -Andy Wendling #YouAreCalled

The 5:

A recap of Andy Wendling’s Message, “Called to Be Sent”
in 5 points or less.

  1. God is asking you to invest in those closest to you, and to invite them to see for themselves.
  2. Many people are called to reach the most remote places on the planet; however, many more are called to reach inside their homes, neighborhoods, and places of work.
  3. You play a unique and essential role in God’s mission – only YOU can do it!
  4. It’s no accident who is in your family, who lives next to you, and who you work with. You may be the only Christian influence in someone’s life. — You be you, let God do the rest.
  5. I dare you to find a message at Friendship that you cannot apply to your life, whether it’s your 1st  time in a church or the 1000th time.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here




