Monday, January 22nd 2018
To ensure a life of little prosperity, take many shortcuts. Andy Wendling

A recap of guest speaker Andy Wendling’s Message, “Cut Corners”
in 5 points or less.
- My advice to you: if you’d like to wander aimlessly through life with no direction, then don’t plan, just wing it.
- We have the choice to do what Jesus said out of love for Him. We can also do the opposite.
- My advice to you: If you like dealing with consequences, don’t follow God’s directions, and make up your own rules.
- My advice to you: If you’d like to live in physical, spiritual, financial, and relational poverty, then don’t actually do anything, just talk about it.
- You can’t short cut your way to anything great. Let’s spend 2018 planning for the wonderful future God has in store for us, living our daily lives God’s way instead of our own way, and putting in the hard work it takes instead of just talking about it.
Watch the Full Message Here