Monday, October 9th 2017

The key to counteracting jealousy is finding something to celebrate in someone else! -Dave Crandall

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Celebration”
in 5 points or less.

  1. How do we escape jealousy, how do we counteract it’s effects…we learn to celebrate others.
  2. When you feel jealousy creeping in, or you hear it in your voice, meditate on Hebrews 10:24-25, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, and Romans 12:15-16.
  3. Other’s success doesn’t diminish your opportunity for success.
  4. Join in the joy of others.
  5. If God put a desire in your heart, He will provide resources to accomplish it.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here


