Monday Morning Quarterback | November 20
Monday, November 20th 2017
A healthy church is both deep and wide! -Dave Crandall #ExperienceFriendship
The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “An Influential Church”
in 5 points or less.
- God has called us to make a difference in our world, to influence those around us for the cause of Christ. As we reach out and bring new people to Christ we widen our influence and as we reach in to build believers like Christ we deepen our influence.
- At Friendship Church we believe that God has called us to be a ‘both/and’ church not an either/or church. In what has become known as the Great Commission Jesus says that we are to both help people connect with Christ and teach them to become like Christ.
- We are a discipleship church…we are an evangelism church…we strive to be a Biblical church, the Bible says and Jesus commanded we are to do both/and!
- Our influence grows wider and we grow larger as a church when we invest & invite.
- Our influence grows deeper and our church grows stronger when we grow
spiritually deep, financially stable, and relationally satisfied.
Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here