Someone’s Always Listening

We can all be careless sometimes with what we say. We just get so comfortable in our surrounding that we don’t think we need to guard our words, or we get so irritated we just don’t care, and sometimes we don’t even realize what we are saying until it’s too late. The Bible has an unbelievable amount to say about our conversation and how to be careful with what we say. As a Christian it is essential that we realize that our words and conversation has a significant impact on those around us, and we’ve got to remember that someone is always listening!


Pt. 1 - Tabloid Talk
Dave Crandall August 6, 2017
Pt. 2 - Lying Tongue
Dave Crandall August 13, 2017
Pt. 3 - Foul Mouth
Dave Crandall August 20, 2017
Pt. 4 - Harsh Words
Dave Crandall August 27, 2017