Genesis 3:17-19 NLT
And to the man he said,
“Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.
It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat until you return to the ground from which you were made.
For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”

Ecclesiastes 3:9 NLT
What do people really get for all their hard work?

Ecclesiastes 9:9-10 HCSB
Enjoy life with the wife you love all the days of your fleeting life, which has been given to you under the sun, all your fleeting days. For that is your portion in life and in your struggle under the sun. Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength, because there is no work, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.


Work isn’t just about ___________,

it’s about making a ____________!


Colossians 3:23 BSB
Whatever you do, work at it with your whole being, for the Lord and not for men…

“How do I give 100% when I feel… 


Place every day of work ___________________________

Proverbs 16:3a ESV
Commit your work to the LORD…

Hebrew word: _______________, which means to _______________

Proverbs 16:3b NIV
…and HE will establish your plans.

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