Monday Morning Quarterback | May 29
Monday, May 29th 2017
Prepare your kids for the future, not the future for your kids! #HugeMistakesEveryParentMakes
The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Perfect Future”
in 5 points or less.
- We think we know what’s best, we don’t even know what’s next!
- Let their dreams be their dreams.
- Speak even the hard truth into their life.
- Encourage them to stoke their passions.
- When you encourage them to pursue who God made them to be it enlivens their spirit, it unleashes their soul, it creates a craving in their heart to know more of God, not less. God has created each of us unique and how we worship him is inextricably tied to our calling, our purpose, our passions.
Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here
Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!
What We Learned:
We learned that David kept his word to God about not hurting the King, even though Saul was trying to kill him! Keeping his word to God was more important than getting even.
In The Car:
Talk to your kids about a time you kept your word even when it was really hard! How did it turn out for you?
At Bedtime:
Read Ecclesiastes 5:5, and pray with your child. Thank God for always keeping his word. Ask him to help you keep your word no matter what this week. Even when it’s hard, even when it seems easier not to, ask God to give you the strength to keep your word.
Weekly Challenge:
I Can Keep My Word
Kids have been challenged this week to keep their word, no matter what! God tells us that keeping our word is a big deal to him, so we need to make our words a priority. Keeping our word is another way we can show others we follow Jesus!