Monday Morning Quarterback | May 23rd
Monday, May 23rd 2016
A daily time with God prepares us for the daily struggles of life. #PitStopSeries
Yesterday, Pastor Dave shared some important truths about how essential God’s Word is in our daily lives. He asked this very important question, if Jesus, being God saw time with God as essential to everyday victory, how much more should we?!
As we go into a new week, let’s join together daily and dive into God’s truth. You can follow along with the Pit Stop Bible Reading Plan on Friendship’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Running On Empty” in 5 points or less.
- Reading your Bible daily sharpens your mind.
- Reading your Bible daily connects you with God.
- Reading your Bible daily opens your eyes.
- Reading your Bible daily guides your steps.
- Reading your Bible daily inspires you to action.
Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here
This Week’s Music
What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW
What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW
Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!
What We Learned:
God created everything, and if we look around we can see how God also created things just for our pleasure or enjoyment! We read Luke 12:22-31 yesterday and saw how wonderfully God takes care of even the smallest birds. And we know that he cares for and loves us even more. God’s creation reminds us of God’s goodness. This week the kids were challenged to look at all of the blessings in our lives and to appreciate just how good God is!
In The Car:
Tell your kids about a time when you were down, or feeling like you didn’t have what you needed. Tell them how God provided for your needs, and how he continues to show you not just how he meets your needs—but how he shows you his goodness everyday!
At Bedtime:
Pray with your kids thanking God for his ultimate goodness and love in sending his own son, Jesus, to die for us. Thank Him for the MANY good things in your lives. Have kids see how many good things they can list!