Monday, May 1st 2017

God can take your biggest moment of failure and turn it into a divine moment of purpose. #LostAndWandering

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The Failure”
in 5 points or less.

  1. God has planned for your failure and has a plan for it. The only person surprised by our failure is us.
  2. Failure cannot and will not be overcome until there is first a recognition that you are to blame, and you must be willing to change.
  3. If you don’t learn and grow from failure, you’ll keep failing.
  4. Your failure reveals areas of weakness. It’s like a doctors diagnoses, it points to an area you need to work on.
  5. Your failure isn’t fatal.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Kids learned that Jesus is alive and in heaven with his Father! That He sent the Holy Spirit so we would never be alone! We have access to God any time we need him!]

In The Car:

Talk to your kids about a time when you witnessed one of God’s amazing miracles! Share how that strengthened your relationship with Him.

At Bedtime:

Read in the Bible with your kids Acts 1:4-11, 2:1-6, 2:38-41. Pray with your kids thanking God for all the miracles that He makes happen every single day! Pray that your family continues to truly see His miracles and strengthen your trust in Him.

Weekly Challenge:

This week kids are challenged to learn more about what happened AFTER Jesus came back to life! We challenged them to dig into their Bibles and keep reading on in the book of Acts. How can they trust the Holy Spirit to work in their life this week?






