Monday, March 20th 2017

Conflict in any relationship can be cured with consideration! #BuildingALifeThatMatters

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Be Considerate”
in 5 points or less.

  1. When in a relationship, see the other person as a teammate, not a competitor.
  2. Increase grace, decrease expectations. Expectations, especially unexpressed sets the relationship up for failure.
  3. Lift up, don’t push down.
  4. Act short-term, but think long-term.
  5. Actions in the moment may be appropriate, but never lose site of eternity.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Other than loving God first, the Bible can be summed up with the Golden Rule, Treat Others The Way You Want to be Treated! Kids were challenged to look at how they respond to everyone around them, and how they expect to be treated back. Treating Others The Way You Want to be Treated is one of the easiest ways to show people God’s love.

In The Car:

Tell kids about a time when someone gave you grace, even when you didn’t deserve it. How did it change the way you treated them because of it?

At Bedtime:

Read in your Bible together Matthew 7: 1-6, 12. Pray with your kids, thanking God for being such a loving and forgiving God! Pray that he would give you a forgiving and patient heart toward others, and that you would show others his love by how you treat them!

Weekly Challenge:

Treat Others The Way You Want to be Treated!

This week kids are challenged to follow the Golden Rule, even when it’s tough! Treat Others The Way You Want to be Treated! If you want someone to be forgiving to you, then choose to forgive others quickly this week. If you want people to show you grace and mercy (like your parents!), then be quick to show mom and dad grace and mercy too! Treating Others The Way You Want to be Treated is the very BEST way to show people God’s love for them!




