Monday, June 12th 2017

Fear is crippling. #DoYouHaveSwagger

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “FEAR”
in 5 points or less.

  1. The biggest and most consistent source is from within our own thoughts!
  2. When you sense in your own heart that you are being overly negative about something, stop and determine what fear is feeding it, then force yourself to begin to thank God for the good and positive things in your life.
  3. Hand it over to the One who knows the unknown and controls the uncertain!
  4. Panic, worry, anxiety…all of these are a product of our own fears. These things overwhelm us when we either don’t have control or don’t believe we can make it through.
  5. Choose to live in freedom not fear!

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here







