Monday, July 6th 2015

If your children don’t respect you, they won’t respect anyone. -Dave Crandall #WhatParentsFace

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The 1 Thing” in 5 points or less.


  1. If you want your children to learn respect, you must teach it diligently.
  2. Your kids are watching you all the time. How are you modeling respect?
  3. We have a responsibility to hold our children accountable to what we have taught them.
  4. Get uncomfortable with your parenting.
  5. How badly do you want things to go well for your children?

Click to Watch or Listen to the Full Message

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

God Created It and Satan Betrayed It! Lucifer was the most beautiful angel God ever made, but he let his beauty go to his head and disobeyed God. He was thrown out of heaven with 1/3 of all the angels who also disobeyed God forever and ever. Kids were challenged this week to find out what they struggle with the most when it comes to obeying God. We challenged them to pray and ask for help finding ways to put off sinful habits and put on godly habits! (Ezekiel 28: 12-19)

At Dinner Time:

Read Ezekiel 28:12-14 with your family, then ask your kids how they pictured Lucifer, or Satan to look? Did the words beautiful, perfection, adorned, or wise come up? Reading God’s word and learning together is a great way to address things in the Bible that can be scary to kids. When we know what God says about it, and how he protects us from it, we don’t have to be afraid!

At Bed Time:

Thank God for loving us and protecting us from sin by sending his Son Jesus. Pray that God would help us to obey him because we know he loves us more than we could ever imagine, and has amazing things planned for our lives!