Monday, July 27th 2015

If it ain't good, God ain't done. #OverwhelmedBook

The 5:

A recap of Dustin Pead’s Message, “If It Ain’t Good, God Ain’t Done” in 5 points or less.


  1. God is a good God.
  2. God’s timing is not on our agenda.
  3. When you can’t see His hands, you can trust His heart.
  4. When you call out to Jesus, he will always get the message.
  5. Jesus didn’t come so that we could live an overwhelmed life–He wants life for us.





Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

THE BIG IDEA: Jesus is the only way to heaven! Kids learned that Jesus is the ultimate rescue plan and he came to rescue us from the consequences of sin.

In the car:

Tell your kids about what your life was like before you chose to follow Jesus and be his Forever Friend. How did things change when you decided to live his way and not your way? What things do you still struggle to trust Jesus with instead of yourself?

At bedtime:

Pray with your kids thanking God for sending his Son Jesus to rescue us from sin forever!