Monday, January 25th 2016

Worry is a direct result of believing God doesn’t care enough!


The 5:

A recap of  Dave Crandall’s message “Conquer Worry” in 5 points or less.

  1. God wants your worries and cares because you were never meant to carry those burdens—that’s His job!
  2. Because you matter to God, it matters to God.
  3. When you feel the burden of worry – STOP and pray.
  4. Peace fills you and guards you.
  5. Three steps to replacing worry with peace: trust in His promise, release your cares, recall His faithfulness.

Listen or Watch the Full Message Here








Conquer 2016 Trail Guide | Week 4 Reading


Music from Conquer 2016


What we sang yesterday:

What we’re singing this Sunday:

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Yesterday we talked about remaining humble as we gain wisdom. God does not want us to become wise only to fall into the sin of pride. We must remain teachable and humble, or else God may step in and humble us himself. Check out Daniel 4 in the Bible to read more about what we learned!

In the Car:

Ask your child what they learned about this week on the drive home. Tell them about a time you had to ask for help finding an answer. If possible let them see an example of how you stay humble this week by showing them how you seek wisdom from someone else!

At Bedtime:

Read Proverbs 9:10 and pray with your kids about how much you struggle with pride. Ask God to open your eyes and show you where you need to be more humble. Showing your kids how you stay humble by asking God for help is a GREAT example for them to follow! When they know home is a safe place to make a mistake, they will continue bringing you their struggles as they grow!