Monday, December 4th 2017
When we spend less (time, energy, money, effort) on things that won’t last, we can give more (time, energy, money, effort) to things that last forever! -Dave Crandall #ChristmasAtFriendship

The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Less Spending, More Giving”
in 5 points or less.
- Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Christ, it’s HIS birthday. We give gifts because He was the greatest gift the world ever received!
- WORSHIP FULLY – Because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus. The first act of worship is giving of yourself!
- SPEND LESS – Feel less stress, and free resources for things that matter to Jesus. Give one less gift, and give that money to an eternally significant cause.
- GIVE MORE – Give relationally to offer one another presence, rather than merely presents. Intentionally invest yourself in the lives of those you love, plan times to just be present with each other.
- LOVE ALL – Love the least of these the way Jesus asked us to. Commit to doing one unselfish, loving act to someone who cannot repay.
Watch the Full Message Here