Monday Morning Quarterback | December 28th
Monday, December 28th 2015
Make a splash for God some place in the world! -Dr. David Crandall #GodAroundTheWorld
The 5:
A recap of Dr. David Crandall’s message “The Global Look” in 5 points or less.
- You won’t find anything in the Bible that says you have the option of quitting from sharing the Gospel of Christ.
- Jesus said, “I will build my Church!” — and that is true. He’s doing it all around us!
- Jesus is in the business of doing remarkable things.
- Little is much when God is in the midst of it.
- What in the world are you doing?
Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here
Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!
What We Learned:
Yesterday we talked about making every day a celebration! God deserves our praise, and we can praise him every day, no matter where we go or what we do.
In The Car:
When you’re hanging out with the kids this week, pause and ask them what they could do to praise God right where they are? Ask your kids some questions to get them thinking:
- Why does God like it when we praise Him?
- How often should we praise God?
- What are some ways to praise God without singing?
At Bedtime:
Pray with your kids, thank and praise God for all of the amazing blessings we have been given! Read this verse from the Bible together and try to remember it before they fall asleep!
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” -Psalm 150:6 (NIV)