Monday, December 12th 2016

God’s hope is the expectation of a positive outcome, based upon a specific promise and backed by the power of His love!


We Have This Hope…

God’s hope in us is not something that we ‘just have to have faith in’, his hope has a track record! He has proven that every promise will become reality. That Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, is the ultimate proof, giving us absolute confidence in every promise of God! This week embrace God’s hope in your life.

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Tis the Season of Hope”
in 5 points or less.

  1. The power of God’s love sent Jesus Christ to be the fulfillment of His ultimate promise.
  2. God’s Hope isn’t based upon wishful thinking, or a positive mental attitude, it’s based in his promises that are proven by his love.
  3. Christmas isn’t just about a special baby, and it’s definitely not about a fat man in a red suit! Christmas is the culmination of all the promises of God, fulfilled in the person of Christ, backed by God’s undying, unwavering, unmitigated love for you!
  4. Even though common hope consistently fails you, God’s hope will never let you down, because it’s backed by God’s love for you!
  5. Christmas is the greatest example of God’s hope, and highlights God’s faithfulness to those who follow him.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here









This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!




What We Learned:

Jesus the Savior of the World was born! God chose a group of humble shepherds to share this amazing miracle with, and they went and told the entire village! What they saw and heard was too awesome to keep to themselves, they had to spread the good news that Jesus was born!

In The Car:

Challenge each other to a contest this week, have everyone in the car decide on one person they can share the Christmas story with about Jesus being born!

At Bedtime:

Read Luke 2:1-20 with your kids. Thank God for his most amazing gift of all, Jesus Christ. Thank him for his love and generosity. Ask him to help remind us all Christmas season about the real reason we are celebrating, the birth of his Son!

Weekly Challenge:

Tell Everyone, Jesus is Born!

Kids have been challenged to tell as many people as possible this week that Jesus is born! As we gear up for Christmas we don’t want to keep the reason for the party a secret! The whole reason we celebrate Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Take a minute to read Luke 2:1-20 as a family before dinner at least one night this week!






