Monday, December 11th 2017
I must choose to cut things out so I can keep the things I love! -Dave Crandall #ChristmasAtFriendship

The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Less Hurry, More Time”
in 5 points or less.
- The purpose of Christmas is to free us to cultivate a life of connection, love, joy, and peace, instead of frantically trying to keep pace with the world! However, we’ve taken this holiest of times and turned it into a chaotic cacophony of noise, stress, and the constant fear of disappointment!
- Our communities and subdivisions are populated with houses that are pristinely decorated on the outside, but inside they are filled with families that are in desperate need of repair!
- Cultivate your heart so you can live and love well. God created your heart, he knows what he made/crafted you to do, He knows what you love, what will give you joy…give him your heart!
- Plan and protect your family time.
- Choose yes wisely, and state no firmly.
Watch the Full Message Here