MOMENTUM In Every Story
Wednesday, April 13th 2016
"It was God putting me where he wanted me and working in my life." -Corey Ariss

Before committing himself to Christ, Corey Ariss struggled with the science behind everything. “I’ve always been the type of person that could explain phenomenons or would logically think through why certain things happened,” he shared. It wasn’t until graduating college that he really accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. “I had always believed, but then again there was always a doubt in the back of my mind that kept me from fully committing myself.”
After graduating college, Corey moved to Madison, Wisconsin for his job, but Corey was ready to move back to Indy and marry his fiancé Cynthia. “I had been struggling for a while living away from family and had been praying for an opportunity and a job so that I could move back to Indy but I wasn’t finding anything.” When he finally did get a job offer, it was significantly less than what he was currently making in terms of money and the job was in Bloomington, IN. Despite those hurdles, Corey decided to take it anyway, knowing it would at least get him within an hour of home.
“On my last day with the company, I was literally driving out of the parking garage for the last time, when another company called me and offered me a job in Indy. There was no other way I could possibly describe what happened or the coordination of events, without taking a step back and realizing it was God putting me where he wanted me and working in my life.”
He began attending Friendship in February 2014 and had been praying about baptism and finally made the decision to get baptized in November 2015. Having been baptized as a child in the Catholic faith, he never really thought he needed to make the public declaration so it was always something he put off. As he got older, moved back home, and re-committed himself to God, Corey realized this was absolutely something he needed to do.
“Baptism for me was surreal. I had no idea what to expect, but it was one of the most memorable days of my life. To have my family there to witness it was a humbling experience. Knowing that I made the decision to be baptized just reaffirms my commitment to Jesus and following Him.”