Monday, January 11th 2016

Monday Morning Quarterback | January 11th

The 5: A recap of  Dave Crandall’s message “Conquer Debt” in 5 points or less. Borrowing money in and of itself isn’t ‘forbidden’ in the Bible, but the dangers and difficulties of debt are well recorded and discussed at length. Debt is dangerous because it keeps our eyes on the past while presuming on the […]

Monday, January 11th 2016

Volunteer Highlight | Melissa Miller

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help you get to know them […]

Sunday, January 10th 2016

Is Debt-Free Living Possible?

Have you ever been worried about making the payments on your debt? Have you ever had tension in your marriage because of financial struggles? Feel like you’re just not making any headway in your debt payments? Interest charges crippling you? If any or all of the above questions apply to your life, then you’re like […]

Monday, January 4th 2016

Saying “No!” to Fear

Fear can either motivate us or cripple us. We can use fear to light a fire underneath us that drives us to destroy anything in our path, or we can become paralyzed, motionless, our brain stands still, and our emotions seem to become numb. With all that being said God says in 2 Timothy 1:7 ‘For […]

Monday, January 4th 2016

Staff Highlight | Sarah Pead

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Monday, January 4th 2016

Monday Morning Quarterback | January 4

The 5: A recap of  Dave Crandall’s message “Conquer Fear” in 5 points or less. If you are still breathing, God has good things in store for you! The key to conquering fear is recognizing His presence, not just knowing his presence is there. Coincidences are not random things that happen — they are intentional […]

Monday, December 28th 2015

Monday Morning Quarterback | December 28th

The 5: A recap of Dr. David Crandall’s message “The Global Look” in 5 points or less. You won’t find anything in the Bible that says you have the option of quitting from sharing the Gospel of Christ. Jesus said, “I will build my Church!” — and that is true. He’s doing it all around […]

Monday, December 28th 2015

Staff Highlight | Jamie Jo Hampton

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Monday, December 21st 2015

Monday Morning Quarterback | December 21

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s message “Set Us Free” in 5 points or less. Jesus didn’t come to crush us or limit us, he came to set us free. His purpose was to give us a rich and satisfying life filled with everything we will ever need, to enjoy every ounce of this […]

Monday, December 21st 2015

Volunteer Highlight | Theresa Wendling

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Monday, December 14th 2015

Monday Morning Quarterback | December 14

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s message “Speak the Truth” in 5 points or less. We’ve bought into the lie that if we believe in the lie enough, it will come true. We don’t like the truth because we don’t like that it demands a change in our behavior. The only way to counteract […]

Monday, December 14th 2015

Staff Highlight | Dave Crandall

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]
