Monday, April 17th 2017

God is always engaging us, even when we don't recognize Him. #LostAndWandering

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The Confused”
in 5 points or less.

  1. Four ways to clear up confusion: remove your mask, listen with openness, extend an invitation, respond to the pull.
  2. When we encounter something that doesn’t fit our thinking we want to reject it, to argue with it, to fight it. But the reason that we are confused is because we don’t understand, the only way we can begin to understand is to start to listen, to be open to the fact that we may not have all of the answers, that we might be missing something important.
  3. I think sometimes we get the idea that we’ve got to get everything figured out before we can come to or engage with God. The truth is that Jesus is just waiting for your invitation.
  4. Jesus will never force himself on to you, he waits to be welcomed.
  5. Often our ability to see God is limited by our confusion, our frustration with circumstances, with how life is turning out, things that happen to us or others. Maybe we’ve become so cynical with situations and circumstances that we are not even sure God exists, or if He exists that He even cares. God is always engaging us even when we don’t recognize Him

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Kids learned that Jesus is ALIVE and that He kept His promise to come back to life after 3 days and to rise from the dead! He appeared to the women and to his disciples to show them he REALLY was alive!

In The Car:

Talk to your kids about how you trust Jesus, and not doubt like Thomas did in the Bible when Jesus rose from the grave. Share with them what keeps you connected to God.

At Bedtime:

Read in the Bible with your kids Luke 24:1-12, John 20:24-29. Pray with your kids thanking God for His incredible love for us and for sending His Son to die on the cross and to rise again 3 days later just as He promised. Pray that your hearts and minds are open to share the good news that Jesus is ALIVE with someone who needs to hear it this week.

Weekly Challenge:

Share the Good News that Jesus is ALIVE with someone this week! So many people in our world don’t know that Jesus loves them. They don’t know that he died for them, and came back to life to prove that sin and death have NO power! Let’s celebrate by sharing that good news with everyone we can as we celebrate Easter and the fact that Jesus is ALIVE!



