Monday, January 2nd 2017

An unconnected life is an unsatisfying life! #BuildingALifeThatMatters


The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Connecting Your Life”
in 5 points or less.

  1. We were meant for something bigger than ourselves.
  2. We have a desire to have a relationship with the one who created us.
  3. The Church is you – it’s joining with other people who are following hard after God.
  4. How about instead of telling people how they’re going to hell, we show them how they can go to heaven.
  5. It’s not about being famous in the eyes of the world, it’s about being faithful in the eyes of God.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here




This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Jesus wants us to trust him, to connect with him, to come to him, and obey him!We talk with our best friends all day, and that’s the kind of relationship Jesus wants with us. He wants us to bring him our stuff–our worries, our fears, our hopes our joys!  Jesus wants to be a real and present part of our everyday life.

In The Car:

Ask your kids how they connect with their best friends. What are things we can take from our friendships, and use them to connect with Jesus this week?

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids thanking God for saving us from sin, and also being our best friend.  Thank him for his word, the Bible, that tells us all about him and helps us to know the things he loves!

Weekly Challenge:

When We Connect with Christ, We Have a FREE and FULL Life!

This week kids are challenged to Connect with Christ! Kids are challenged to read in the New Testament some of the verses we discussed this week in our lesson. God wants us to have a relationship with him, he wants to be our very best friend ever! What will you discover about Jesus this week as you read his word, and do things his way instead of our own? Share it with us on Facebook by tagging us with @FriendshipKidsZone!

