Monday, August 29th 2016

The mocker ridicules knowledge and disregards experience. #TheWayOfWisdom


Let’s Get Closer To The Way Of Wisdom

It’s been our prayer over the last month that you’ve grown in wisdom in ways you never thought possible. Remember wisdom is something you have to pursue day in and day out. Don’t let your pursuit end just because this series is over. Above all else, get wisdom!

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The Mocker”
in 5 points or less.

  1. The mocker is never wrong. He’s always blaming someone else.
  2. God will step in to a mocker’s life and they will recognize it.
  3. There has to be a point in someone’s life when they realize they’re the one causing drama and contention—but a mocker never will.
  4. Allow God to help you confront your inner mocker.
  5. You can still love a mocker, but that doesn’t mean you have to listen to them.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here









This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Joseph was reunited with the brothers who sold him into slavery. He had every opportunity to get his revenge but instead he chose to forgive them like God forgives us!

In The Car:

Tell your kids about a time when you didn’t forgive someone.  How did that help you at all?  Most of the time withholding forgiveness only hurts us.  When we forgive others it allows us to move on from our hurt.

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids thanking God for forgiving us no matter what we have done. Thank him that he offers forgiveness to every person! Pray that if anyone has been keeping any mean feelings bottled up that they would give that all over to God and allow forgiveness to free them from that negativity. Pray the God would allow us to freely forgive others like he has forgiven us!

Weekly Challenge:

Forgive Others Like God Forgives Us!
Is there someone you are holding a grudge against, is there someone you refuse to forgive? Take a lesson from Joseph this week as you read Genesis 42-47. How can you begin to forgive someone that you thought was unforgivable?


