Monday, August 1st 2016

God’s grace is always extended, never earned. #TheMoralOfTheStory


A Grace-filled Father

God’s Grace is always extended to let us go, to bring us back, to go out to us, and to invite us in. What an incredible wrap up to The Moral of the Story. Through this series it’s been our prayer that Jesus’ stories would come alive to you and help you understand how His stories affect your every day life.

The 5:

A recap of Andy Wendling Message, “The Prodigal Son”
in 5 points or less.

  1. His grace to bring you back is there, no matter what you’ve done.
  2. Maybe you’re at rock bottom…maybe you’ve been wandering with no direction. No matter where you are or what you’ve done, God has grace to bring you back.
  3. That urge inside…something more…that is God calling to bring you back. Don’t ignore it!
  4. His grace to let us go is there no matter our choice.
  5. God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to cover our sin. His Grace is an open invitation for us to accept.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here








This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!



What We Learned:

In John 21:1-14 we learned that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the disciples. He was showing them it was really him, and also showed them a miracle! Our Big Idea was Jesus Rose from the Dead to Save the World! Jesus died for every man, woman, and child who ever has lived and ever will live. Believing in Jesus is the one and only way to Heaven, and Jesus wants us to share that good news with the world!

In The Car:

Tell your kids about a time when you realized that Jesus is for REAL! How did it happen? Maybe you experienced a true miracle, or had a prayer answered in a way that you knew could only come from God. Whatever your story is, it’s just that–YOUR story! Let your kids know how you share your story about choosing to follow Jesus with the whole world!

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids, thanking God for sending his one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins.  Thank him for always loving us, and for never leaving us. Pray that God would give us a chance this week to share the good news of Jesus Christ with someone who has never heard it before!

Weekly Challenge:

This week kids are challenged to share the Good News of Jesus with someone who doesn’t know about him yet! Is there someone in your family, someone in your house, someone on your street who doesn’t really know about him? Tell them how Jesus rose from the dead, did miracles to show his disciples that he really is alive, and wants everyone to join him in Heaven some day!