Monday, July 25th 2016

It is discipline over desire that determines our destiny. #TheMoralOfTheStory


What Foundation Are You Building On?

We all DESIRE a strong life. A legacy. A firm foundation. A life well-built. Yesterday Don Stewart shared his story. Yours is different, maybe much harder. Maybe your big storm hasn’t come yet. Maybe clouds are forming. Maybe you don’t even see the storm coming. Regardless of where you are in life, the foundation you build your life on will determine if you can withstand the storm.

The 5:

A recap of Don Stewart’s Message, “The Two Builders”
in 5 points or less.

  1. It’s not about being informed, it’s about being transformed.
  2. It takes discipline to hear and especially to do. If we hear only, then we are just a nice façade, perhaps admired, but not strong.
  3. If we desire a strong foundation we need the discipline of doing.
  4. Strength comes mostly from what no one else sees.
  5. To have a stable life, we need to dig down deep to the Rock.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here








This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Jesus walked on water to get to his disciples who were struggling in their fishing boat. They thought they were seeing a ghost! Peter at first believed and started to walk out to Jesus, but saw the overwhelming circumstances around him and began to sink. Jesus reached out and rescued him, then asked him why he doubted? The disciples were convinced that Jesus really was the Son of God!

In The Car:

Tell your kids about a time when you realized that Jesus is God’s Son, and how that changed your life. Ask them how their actions would change if Jesus was sitting right next to them.

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids, thanking God for sending us his Son, Jesus to save us. Pray that as they grow they would learn to look for his presence all around them. Pray that they would see how he is faithful always, and never forgets to keep his promises!
