Monday Morning Quarterback | April 11th
Monday, April 11th 2016
The thing kids need most, is often the thing most difficult to maintain: CONSISTENCY! #PerfectParentMyth
The 5:
A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “It’s Not Worth It” in 5 points or less.
- As we emulate our father our children will emulate us!
- Your children will learn far more from your life than your lectures!
- God is our ultimate perfect parent who provides consistent guidance, gives consistent discipline, offers consistent love, and is the consistent example.
- Will you choose to be consistent with your children just like God is consistent with you?
- There is a HUGE difference between punishment and discipline. Punishment is punitive, meant to be a consequence of our behavior, it is an end in and of itself. Discipline however, is meant to change, correct, and guide our behavior in the future!
Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here
This Week’s Music:
What we sang yesterday: Listen Now
What we’re singing next week: Listen Now
Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!
What We Learned:
When the Holy Spirit first came down from Heaven to the disciples it looked like fire! The Holy Spirit is God, and gives us power to spread God’s message all over the world. Check out Acts 2:1-41 to learn more!
In The Car:
Share with your kids what your Spiritual Gift is, and how it helps you spread God’s word. If you don’t know what it is, challenge each other to read up on what the different kinds of spiritual gifts are, and to help each other figure out just what your special gift is!
At Bedtime:
Pray with your kids thanking God for sending the Holy Spirit to us! Thank him that we are not left alone in this world but that we can always count on him to be there for us, forever and always!