Staff Highlight | Dave Crandall
Monday, December 14th 2015
"What originally brought me to Friendship was the unbelievable potential of the church in the area that it was in and the opportunity to literally reach thousands of people."
At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help you get to know them better.
We’re wrapping up our introduction to Friendship’s Elders this week with our incredible leader, Pastor Dave Crandall. He can speak enough Spanish to be dangerous and his favorite cartoon character is a toss up between Bart Simpson or Tasmanian Devil!
Scroll down to learn more about Pastor Dave.
Do you have any pets?
My wife has a little white Bichon Frise, whom I’m pretty sure has adopted me.
Do you have any hobbies during your spare time?
I love to hunt and fish. I also enjoy a really well written spy thriller.
What is your favorite scripture?
Nahum 1:7, “The LORD is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.”
Do you have any hidden talents?
I have an incredible impersonation of Sid the Sloth
Who inspires you the most?
Honestly, every person in my family. I see everything that each of them struggles with yet they continue to move forward. The pressure they are under because of my role is just unbelievable, and yet all three of them handle it with such grace!
Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they?
Can’t stand indecisiveness, just irks the tar out of me
People who don’t own up to their own faults and blame others
Bad drivers
Wimpy men
What is your most memorable moment at Friendship?
I honestly don’t think that I can pick just one
What has been your favorite Friendship series?
That’s like asking me if I have a favorite child!
What is your favorite thing about volunteering?
I love watching people’s faces when ‘it clicks’, whatever I’m talking about just hit home with them and you can see it on their face…love that!
What is your favorite part of Sunday mornings at Friendship?
The time before the service starts when everyone is milling around talking with each other