Sunday, May 21st 2017

Set List Sunday | May 21, 2017

Here’s what we sang this morning as we continued our series, “Huge Mistakes Every Parent Makes”: Happy Day The Rock Won’t Move This Grace Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) Listen to this set list on Spotify here. (playlist links are active for the whole calendar year of this post)

Monday, May 15th 2017

Monday Morning Quarterback | May 15

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Problem Free” in 5 points or less. Struggling to accomplish something teaches us we need to get better in that area. If we never let our kids struggle then they don’t think they need to improve. Struggling gives our kids a well rounded reality, it helps them […]

Sunday, May 14th 2017

Set List Sunday | May 14, 2017

Here’s what we sang this morning as we continued our new series, “Huge Mistakes Every Parent Makes”: Relentless Rule It Is Well With My Soul Give Me Faith Listen to this set list on Spotify here. (playlist links are active for the whole calendar year of this post)

Monday, May 8th 2017

Monday Morning Quarterback | May 8

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Pain Free” in 5 points or less. Pain can be a powerful teacher. Pain can be a significant motivator. Pain can be a signal that somethings wrong. Potential pain can be a tremendous deterrent to bad decisions. Happiness is based upon “happenings,” meaning if things happen to […]

Monday, May 8th 2017

Volunteer Highlight | Robin Buckler

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Sunday, May 7th 2017

Set List Sunday | May 7, 2017

Here’s what we sang this morning as we launched our new series, “Huge Mistakes Every Parent Makes”: Let God Arise If You Never Open Up The Heavens Mountain Listen to this set list on Spotify here. (playlist links are active for the whole calendar year of this post)

Monday, May 1st 2017

Monday Morning Quarterback | May 1

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The Failure” in 5 points or less. God has planned for your failure and has a plan for it. The only person surprised by our failure is us. Failure cannot and will not be overcome until there is first a recognition that you are to blame, and […]

Monday, May 1st 2017

Volunteer Highlight | Katie Bradley

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Sunday, April 30th 2017

Set List Sunday | April 30, 2017

Here’s what we sang this morning as we continued our series, “Lost And Wandering”: Lift Your Head Weary Sinner Our God Is Love All I Have Is Christ Resurrecting Listen to this set list on Spotify here. (playlist links are active for the whole calendar year of this post)

Monday, April 24th 2017

Volunteer Highlight | Cindy Jamison

At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help […]

Monday, April 24th 2017

Monday Morning Quarterback | April 24

The 5: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “The Doubter” in 5 points or less. Jesus does not begrudge Thomas the evidence of His hands and sides; He invites him to make sure. He invites him to see for himself and then believe. Read the Bible with your questions in mind, look for what the […]

Sunday, April 23rd 2017

Set List Sunday | April 23, 2017

Here’s what we sang this morning as we continued our series, “Lost And Wandering”: My Beloved Lift Your Head Weary Sinner Rising Sun Let There Be Light Listen to this set list on Spotify here. (playlist links are active for the whole calendar year of this post)
