Monday, October 31st 2016

The church needs to be a positive influence in the political arena. #GodAndPoliticsFC


How Will You Respond on Election Day?

This series has been a reminder that we are citizens of God’s kingdom, not just solely of the USA. Let’s go into November 8th remembering that God is our only hope, the final authority, and that as followers of Jesus we have an opportunity to be an influence in this world.

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message,
“Influence or Nuisance” in 5 points or less.

  1. I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. (1 Timothy 2:1-2 NLT)
  2. Be purposefully praying, be incredibly informed, be intentionally involved.
  3. God may be calling you to be engaged professionally into the political arena. Turn it loose and answer the calling!
  4. You have the opportunity to be a positive influence for your country!
  5. God has called you to intercede on every leaders’ behalf. To step in between God and the person and ask Him to help them, to give them grace, and to thank God for them.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here







This Week’s Music


What we sang yesterday: LISTEN NOW

What we’re singing next week: LISTEN NOW

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Conflict is a part of life, we are all different and have different life experiences. We won’t always agree with everyone! BUT that doesn’t mean that it’s ok to sin! As the election approaches we are making a choice to love others, and to handle conflict the way God says to in the Bible. Check out Matthew 18:15-35!

In The Car:

Talk about a time when you approached conflict your way instead of God’s way, and how it went. Then tell your kids about how things went differently in your heart when you did it God’s way. Handling conflict God’s way frees us to move on, even when someone doesn’t respond the way they should!

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids thanking God for all of the ways he makes us different, and special! Pray we would have love and patience with people who disagree in a sinful way, and that God would give you all the strength to forgive and handle conflict his way from now on!

Weekly Challenge:

Kids have been challenged to bring in socks for kids, and grown ups for the ENTIRE month of October! We can change our world, and impact families right here in our own community by getting involved. How has your family been involved in the #SOCKTOBER service challenge? Tell us on Facebook at Friendship Kids Zone and use #SOCKTOBER!






