Monday, October 26th 2015

We become what we repeatedly do. #SmallThingsBigDifference


The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s message “Your Habits” in 5 points or less.

  1. Be relentless, diligent, and patient as you chase your dreams. You hunt because of the goal, not the process.
  2. As our habits ripple through our lives they affect change.
  3. Habits are a small but powerful thing that can either drive us to becoming what we were meant to be, or further from it.
  4. Choose between what you want now, and what you want most!
  5. Learn the habits of others and listen to their counsel.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here







Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!



What We Learned:

Yesterday we finished our Monsters series by remembering that there is no fear bigger than our God. Instead of fearing the things of this world, we need to fear God in a good way! There is no challenge too big that God can’t help us overcome.

In the car:

Start a conversation by asking your kids what it means to Fear God in a Good way? Tell them about other stories about courage in the Bible like Esther, Daniel or about a time where you made a choice to fear God instead of people, and how God helped you through that.

At bedtime:

Read Psalm 27:1-3 out loud with your kids. Pray thanking God for his protection! Ask him to protect your hearts from sin, and to have courage to stand up against anything they fear knowing that God is on their side!