Monday, May 8th 2017

Pain is not a problem to be avoided but a process to be navigated! #HugeMistakesEveryParentMakes

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Pain Free”
in 5 points or less.

  1. Pain can be a powerful teacher. Pain can be a significant motivator. Pain can be a signal that somethings wrong. Potential pain can be a tremendous deterrent to bad decisions.
  2. Happiness is based upon “happenings,” meaning if things happen to go well, you’re happy, but if it happens that something bad occurs then you’re happiness is likely gone.
  3. But if we make our children’s happiness the priority, if we manipulate circumstances so it always turns out in their favor, or they always get what they want when they want it, we rob them of experiencing God’s perfect provision.
  4. We don’t want them to know about the struggles we are having, we want to shelter them when things don’t go right. But God has a really opposite approach to this, he wants us to share what we went/are going through so that our kids can learn from our pain or the pain we see in those around us.
  5. Three mistakes we make regarding pain: we remove consequences, we prioritize their happiness, and we minimize their exposure.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Zacchaeus was a guy who was far from following God. The words people used to describe him were negative and hurtful. When Jesus met Zacchaeus he was kind, encouraging, and friendly. Because of the words Jesus spoke, Zacchaeus changed his entire life, and chose to follow God with everything he had!  The words of Jesus saved his life!

In The Car:

Tell your kids about a time when you used your words to completely change a situation for the better or worse. Share how each of you can encourage each other to use kind words this week!

At Bedtime:

Read Psalm 19:14 with your child, then pray together. Thank God for sharing his words in the Bible! Thank him that he gives us his word anytime we need it. Ask him to help you use kind, loving, and encouraging words this week to share his love with someone else!

Weekly Challenge:

My Words Can Help or Hurt

Kids are challenged this week to pay attention to their words. If they notice their words have hurt someone, they are challenged to make it better…by using more words! They have also been challenged to read Psalm 19:14 and to memorize it over the next 4 weeks!





