Monday, March 14th 2016

Christ’s promise is that you will always have a family! #MoreOrLess


The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Family” in 5 points or less.

  1. Jesus promises us that he will provide us with more ‘family’ than we could possibly imagine, that He will fill our relationship needs with people who will love us deeper than family!
  2. Christ isn’t asking us to give up on, or have less family, he is offering us more family, with greater levels of blessing!
  3. God will never be indebted to anyone! It is impossible for us to ‘give up’ for God more than God gives back to us.
  4. Get past the shell of protection and let the family of God into your life.
  5. Christianity is not a solo adventure.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here






Music from #MoreOrLess


What we sang yesterday: Listen Now

What we’re singing next week: Listen Now

Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Paul and Silas were in prison for serving the Lord. In prison, they continued to share Jesus with their fellow inmates. When an earthquake destroyed the jail, Paul and Silas stayed put even though they could have escaped. This opened the door for them to share Jesus’ love with the jailer. Our BIG IDEA today is whatever our circumstances, We Can Share Jesus With Others!

In The Car:

Sharing Jesus with others can be intimidating for all of us. Encourage your kids to share Jesus with you and talk about God in the car, around the house, and even at school. The more that God becomes a part of everyday conversation, the easier it will be to share him without fear. Tell your kids about a time where you may have missed an opportunity to share Jesus with someone out of fear, and about a time where you had to overcome your fear, and did it! Take the Weekly Challenge with your kids to SHARE JESUS with at least one person this week by inviting them to Friendship!

At Bedtime:

Read 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV), “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.” – Thank God for his unfailing love. Pray with your kids about a difficult circumstance your family is facing. If Paul and Silas had escaped that prison, the jailer and his family would not have come to know Jesus. You may find yourself in circumstances that you just want to escape from. Instead, ask God for wisdom to know what to do in this situation. He may have you there in order to use you to do something big!