Monday, April 4th 2016

"I love watching people out in the audience worshiping God along with us!"


At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we’ll highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help you get to know them better.

Get to know Kaitlyn Crandall, Friendhip’s office assistant and a Friendship Creative worship team volunteer.

Scroll down to learn more about Kaitlyn.


What is your favorite holiday?
I like the fourth of July, because of the fireworks and festivities that go on.

Do you have any hobbies during your spare time?
I sing and play guitar. I also enjoy running.

What do you do for a living/career?
I am an office assistant here at the church.

If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza all the way

Who inspires you the most?
My dad

Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they?
I can’t stand it when people pop their knuckles. It weirds me out.

What is your most memorable moment at Friendship?
The going away party the church had for my parents when we left for sabbatical.

What is your favorite thing about volunteering?
I love watching people out in the audience worshiping God along with us! Having the privilege to lead people in their worship is the absolute best!

What is your favorite part of Sunday mornings at Friendship?
At 9 o’clock all of the volunteers gather around in a giant circle to pray for the morning, and it is honestly just an awesome way to start the morning.

Which household chore is do you dread doing?
All of them. Literally all of them.