Monday, March 13th 2017

"My favorite part of volunteering is when the kids start to ask questions about the Bible -- that’s when you know you’re having an impact!" -Jim


At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help you get to know them better.

Serving in Kids Zone has allowed Jim Hunnel to overcome his fear of public speaking, which has opened doors for him to share the truth of Jesus every week. “When the kids start to ask questions about The Bible–that’s when you know you’re having an impact!”

Scroll down to learn more about Jim.

What brought you to Friendship originally?
My wife (Rhonda) and I moved here from Las Vegas in January 2012, and FC was right around the corner from our house. We’ve been coming ever since!

Do you have any pets?
3 dogs- Kara (spaniel mix), Bruce (dachshund/Chihuahua), and Jazmen (arctic wolf mix)

What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving. Rhonda and I were married thanksgiving weekend 2006, so we love to celebrate our anniversary and get together with family and friends.

Do you have any hobbies during your spare time?
Hunting in the winter months, and motorcycle riding as much as possible!

What do you do for a living/career?
I am General Manager for Upland Management Services. We provide labor and services for conventions and trade shows.

What would be your biggest fear?
Public speaking. I’ve had to face that one head-on teaching in Kids Zone.

Which cartoon character is your favorite?
Roadrunner! Yes, I’m old

If you had to choose one food to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Sushi. I can eat that stuff every day!

What would be your dream vacation?
My wife and I at a remote mountain cabin. No electricity, no TV, no internet, NO PHONES

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Flying would be awesome!

What is your favorite scripture?
Ephesians 4:32

Who inspires you the most?
The Apostle Paul. His writings drive me to be a better servant every day.

Do you have any pet peeves? If so, what are they?
Sarcasm. I just don’t understand why people feel the need to talk like that.

What has been your favorite Friendship series?

What is your favorite thing about volunteering?
When the kids start to ask questions about the Bible — that’s when you know you’re having an impact!