Monday, January 16th 2017

"I love helping out in the Kids Zone and making sure everyone is checked in so that the parents can go to service and not worry." -Jessica Meier


At Friendship we believe the Church is not a building, it’s people, serving together to glorify God as an effective and influential church. So, each week, we highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves at Friendship, because our volunteers and staff make everything we do possible! We’ve asked each person some fun questions to help you get to know them better.

When checking in your child in Kids Zone, most likely you’ve been served by Jessica. “I love helping out in Kids Zone and making sure everyone is checked in so that the parents can go to service and not worry.”

Scroll down to learn more about Jessica.

What brought you to Friendship originally?
My cousin, Amy Shipp, started posting about “Experience Friendship”.  She seemed so excited about it.  I started asking her questions.  She finally invited me to attend when Brooklyn was baptized and I have been attending ever since that first visit.

What is your favorite holiday?  
I really love Christmas but my favorite would have to be Thanksgiving.  That is the time of year, I get to see a lot of family we don’t get to see often.  We spend two whole days together eating, playing games, and laughing.

What do you do for a living/career?  
I am a third grade teacher at Creekside Elementary in Franklin.

What is the last book you have read?  
The last book that I read was “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” so I could read it to my class.


Who inspires you the most?  
My 8 year old son, Julian, inspires me the most.  He has had a lot of serious immune and blood disorders.  He had to be hospitalized and poked so many times.  He always had a smile all his face and was so strong.  He also really understands when people are going through major medical issues after what he has been through.  He adds those people to his prayers.


What is your most memorable moment at Friendship?  
My most memorable moment was the night that Jordan and I were baptized together before we got married.  I had a lot of friends and family that attended.  Our son, Julian, was there to hug us after we were baptized by Pastor Dave.

What has been your favorite Friendship series?  
I have a lot of favorites but my most recent was “But What About…”  I loved everyone being open and honest with their questions.  I also really enjoyed being apart of the live questions on Facebook.  We were in the Crandall small group at the time so he had us meet at the church to sit and listen to the live conversation.  We were going to leave early to get our son to bed but we enjoyed it so much that we stayed.

What is your favorite thing about volunteering?
I love helping out in the Kids Zone and making sure everyone is checked in so that the parents can go to service and not worry. I don’t even mind being pulled into a nursery room from time to time.


Which household chore is do you dread doing?  
I HATE everything about cleaning the bathroom.  It is awful but has to be done.


What is your favorite day of the week?  
I love Sundays.  First, I start off with volunteering as the “check-in specialists”. (Yes, I have an official title.) After I check everyone in, I go attend the service.  The rest of the day is either watching The Colts or just relaxing with my family before another long week.


