Monday, February 13th 2017

You will never live out your purpose if you keep spending like someone else! #BuildingALifeThatMatters


The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message,
“Live Within Your Means”
in 5 points or less.

  1. You can live within your means when you get serious, quit playing, stop charging, and start planning.
  2. Being financially stable means that you manage the resources that God has provided in such a way that you are free to live and enjoy the purpose He’s given!
  3. We are called to be servants of God alone.
  4. You cannot save anything if you spend it all.
  5. Nothing worth doing is ever easy.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message Here





Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Over-spending or living on credit is a habit that will lead to frustration and being ruled by money. Kids read in our Bible how God wants us to view money, and how we can create healthy habits now to put God first in every area of our lives. We learned to give God our first and our best (10%), save 10%, then be generous with the rest! Doing it God’s way will lead to a greater blessing than we could ever imagine!

In The Car:

Tell your kids how you put God first in your finances. If this is something your family is just learning, go around the car and share how making the choice to set aside your first and your best for God has helped you focus on God before anything else.

At Bedtime:

Pray with your kids, thanking God for his amazing generosity and for providing for all of our needs! Pray that as your kids grow up, they will not have to endure the same financial struggles we see all around us as they implement healthy habits now, and learn God’s way of doing things from mom and dad!

Weekly Challenge:

Only Spend What God Gives You!
Kids are challenged to set up a system this week to put God first! It can be cups or jars, or any kind of creative way to put God first with their money. Kids have been challenged to work for some kind of allowance, even if it’s just some pocket change to begin with. Make one container for God, one for Savings, and one for Being Generous. This will help kids set healthy habits as they grow, and save them years of financial struggle and pain in the future!






