Wednesday, May 2nd 2018

Jesus vs Me

Jesus vs Me You think God is stingy and cranky, Jesus says God wants a full life for you! You think God has rejected you, Jesus says God wants you in his family! You think God expects perfection from you, Jesus says I’ll do it through you! You think God is far away and distant, […]

Wednesday, April 25th 2018

Jesus vs Joseph Smith

  Jesus vs Joseph Smith Mormonism says Jesus was created, Jesus says I am the Creator John 1:3-4  All things were created through Him (Jesus), and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created.  Life was in Him, and that life was the light of men. Mormonism says we can become […]

Monday, April 16th 2018

Jesus vs The Pope

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Jesus vs The Pope”   Pope says salvation is possible without Christ, Jesus says apart from me you can do nothing! John 15:5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me […]

Tuesday, April 10th 2018

Jesus vs Muhammad

Jesus vs Muhammad A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message Islam says He was just a prophet, Jesus says I am the Son of God Islam Says He is not co-equal with God, Jesus says We are one Islam says He didn’t die on the cross, Jesus says I died for all mankind Watch the Full […]

Monday, April 2nd 2018

Jesus vs Religion

A recap of Dave’s Message, “Jesus vs Religion” Religion says Reach Up To God, Jesus says God Reached Down Religion says Try Harder, Jesus says Stop Trying Religion says God’s the Boss, Jesus says God’s your Father Religion sees People as the enemy, Jesus knows Sin is the enemy Religion grades righteousness on a Curve, […]

Monday, March 19th 2018

Don’t Waste It Series Recap

A recap of Dave’s Message, “Save Intentionally” Not planning for the uncertainty of the future is guaranteeing an uncertain future! Save with a Plan in Mind Save even Though you Don’t Have To Save for What you Know is Coming Save for What you Don’t Know is Coming Listen Here

Wednesday, February 28th 2018

Watch Your Mouth

I’ve been married for 10 years and have two young children who are involved in many activities. Our week consists of both of us working full time and my wife running kids back and forth to activities and taking online college classes. Sometime in this mess we try to have a dinner that isn’t fast […]

Monday, February 26th 2018

Mr. & Mrs. | Encouragement

The FIVE: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Encouragement” in 5 points or less. When you say I do, your life, happiness, future, success, and potential is now directly tied to that person…if you are not married yet, choose wisely! If you are married there is hope, but you’ve got to learn how to be […]

Monday, February 19th 2018

Mr. & Mrs. | Friendship

The FIVE: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Friendship” in 5 points or less. If God can pay attention to your spouse, you’d better start. People listen best with their eyeballs! If you turn your back to someone you are intentionally or unintentionally saying to them, I’m done listening, I’m done paying attention, what you’re […]

Wednesday, February 14th 2018

Intimacy in Marriage

When you look up the definition of “intimacy” there is a word that pops out as a part of every definition in every dictionary, familiarity. In essence, the dictionary is telling us that for intimacy to come into being their must be familiarity between the two parties. Familiarity of course means that you have spent […]

Monday, February 12th 2018

Mr. & Mrs. | Intimacy

The FIVE: A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Intimacy” in 5 points or less. Women spell intimacy: TIME Men spell intimacy: SEX For a marriage to work effectively each has to be willing to start cultivating the atmosphere of intimacy from the others perspective. Not looking out for your own self-interest or desires, but doing […]

Wednesday, February 7th 2018

Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is far too often melded into the pot of all those mushy gushy feelings that people think are what real love is…add the word “unconditional” to it and people think they’re committing to having all these mushy gushy feelings for forever. I think anyone who’s been married over a year can agree that […]
