Monday, August 10th 2015

The promises of God are more powerful than the pain of your past. #ProofThatGodHeals

The 5:

A recap of Dave Crandall’s Message, “Grace, Love, & Second Chances”
in 5 points or less.


  1. God’s grace in you is more than enough.
  2. God’s love for you will never end.
  3. God’s forgiveness of you is without condition.
  4. The love of Jesus cannot be experienced until his grace has been embraced.
  5. Jesus on the cross, experiencing your pain, looking at your mistakes…in that moment the power of the pain of your past was shattered by the abundant grace of Jesus Christ. It is finished! That “it” was EVERYTHING.

Watch or Listen to the Full Message

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Kids Zone: Take It Home With You!


What We Learned:

Follow God, NOT the Crowd! Three friends refused to sin against God even when an entire kingdom was following the crowd. They trusted God and were saved from the fiery furnace and an angry king! Even the king admitted they worshiped the one true God, and declared the whole kingdom should only worship the one true God, too!

In The Car:

Tell your kids about a time when you had to stand up against the crowd to follow God or do the right thing. Maybe you made the wrong choice and went with the crowd instead. Let your kids know how that experience influences how you stand up for others today, and how they can rely on your support if they need to stand up against the crowd to follow God!

At Bedtime:

Pray thanking God that we live in a place that is safe and free to worship him anytime anywhere! Ask God to keep Christians all over the world safe and brave as they stand up to the crowd and follow him no matter what.