Thursday, August 25th 2016

Like clouds and wind without rain Is a man who boasts of gifts he does not give. Proverbs 25:14

Reading for today: Proverbs 25:1-28

A sign of maturity, both spiritual an otherwise, is a person who keeps their commitments. Are you constantly backing out of your responsibilities or falling short of fulfilling your promises? You need to do two things; stop making commitments you can’t keep and start keeping the commitments you do make. I know that it is sometimes hard and often inconvenient, but think about how “inconvenient” it is for the person you have just left hanging in the wind. You told them you could be counted on and then you betrayed that confidence. Start rebuilding your trust today by being a person of your word!




Post your daily insights from the 31 Days of Wisdom Proverbs Reading Plan or a photo of your favorite Bible reading spot and you could win a Saddleback Leather Co. Proverbs Bible Booklet!

Here’s how to enter:

Instagram: Tag your daily reading photo with @exp_friendship & #31DaysOfWisdomPlan
Facebook: Share on our timeline & tag #31DaysOfWisdomPlan

THREE winners will be chosen at random and will be announced on Sunday, September 4th!

Contest ends August 31, 2016 at 11:59PM.